No Strings Attached!
Jeng Jeng Jeng!
sekarang ni P1 dah ada USB ok
macam Broadband tu
tak perlu wire or strings to attach anymore!
so korang tak perlu serabut2 pemikiran nak sembunyi mana strings tu bagi tak nampak semak
best kan?
For your information, P1 has introducing the new W1GGY plans that give you affordable speed and higher usage quota, with no contracts and no restrictions.
tak de contract2, so kalau korang tak puas hati, potonggggg saja hehe
so why not try 1st kan??
lagi pon murah, pastu boleh guna ramai2
share ramai2 bayar bulan2, lagi jimat lala
Just insert W1GGY into your notebook and you’re good to go!
Meh rina cerita step2 satu persatu
Firstly, check Coverage.
Then, check out our latest promos.
Finally, walk-in registration at P1 Authorised Resellers.
Now, you can have more Internet fun anywhere, with no strings attached.
For your information, P1 has introducing the new W1GGY plans that give you affordable speed and higher usage quota, with no contracts and no restrictions.
tak de contract2, so kalau korang tak puas hati, potonggggg saja hehe
so why not try 1st kan??
lagi pon murah, pastu boleh guna ramai2
share ramai2 bayar bulan2, lagi jimat lala
Just insert W1GGY into your notebook and you’re good to go!
Meh rina cerita step2 satu persatu
Now, you can have more Internet fun anywhere, with no strings attached.
atas ni plans yang ada la for p1 wiggy
bolehla nak pilih mana 1.
murah weh.
ingat senang ke nak dapat 600 Kbps for only RM59?
rasanye, antara yang termurah dari brand lain
3 Mbps RM129 je tau~~
ape lagi aku nak bebel bagi 200 patah ni hahah =P
untuk menambahkan lagi keyakinan korang,
korang boleh je terus tanya kat P1 sendiri
P1 cakap
"You can be assured we're giving you our best in everything. Nevertheless, your enquiries and feedback are always welcome to help us provide you with an even better service. "
ok dah.
pergii belii p1 sekarang!
penat i promote =P
6 footprints here! Thanks! (◕‿◕):
aik, promote p1 tp pkai streamyx. ni xleh caye ni, haha
Tajuk u copyrighted by N'SYNC!!!
Ingat u nak nyanyi kasi saye dengar...
doop : syyhhh :p P1 laju gak la. x caye cube try :p
crusader : la..just a contest..dapat rm20 if do an entry entitled "ni strings attached" =P
hahahaha.. wah dah cashout.. kayanya.. meh la blanje i..
i nak cashout end of april, sebab dia ckp 1 bulan dr end of month kan?? tadek la byk pun.. dah la projek alpha entry 3 kali rejected.. sedey..
rugi22 la tatau project alpha ni dari awal.. apsal rina tak bgtaw..
pergh...banyak contest ko join skarang nih. tak blanjer aku xtau la. :p
ily : yeke. xtaula..i main cash out jer. xpe2.nanti2 rina bagitau kalau ade besh hehehe. jom join sloggy!
aidi : ko la banje. ko lg kaye ceh
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