Kejadian pukul 1.30 pagi
huwaa nak nangis...
baju untuk bertandang rosak!
zip rosak!
baju dari Arma tu T__T
agaknye baju tu terlalu lama...ramai orang pakai..
tak boleh nak zip..
stress lak..
nak pakai baju ape ni??
Stories about love,life and everything
dan boleh contact mereka melalui facebook,
Email :
No phone : +60173056449/ +60127603812
Hello Darling ♥best tak??
To bride to be blogger . This is for you !
Qarmasutra appreciate your kind interest towards our work . Honestly , we have read all you review and we cant agreed more , you guys are the best !
So , this is the catch .
1) Write an ENTRY about Qarmasutra Weddings & Events .
2) Tell us your Favourite Dais from Qarmasutra previous works and why ?
3) Ask your friend to LIKE qarmasutra and to FOLLOW our blog
4) Publish your Entry in Facebook
5) And hey ! ask your bestie and friend to like the entry .It so easy darling ♥
And Qarmasutra will not let you down , so this is the return for your wonderful effort :
The Grand Price : A Mini Dais for your solemnization or engagement worth for RM 3000 .
First runner up : A photobooth worth for RM1500
Second runner up : 5 dulang hantaran with fully decorate with fresh flowers . Each worth for RM200 per tray .
Consolation price : A Qarmasutra discount voucher worth for RM200 .
Rules and regulation
1. Dont forget to attach together QARMASUTRA BLOGGER PROJECT banner into your blog and make it as your header and cover for you Facebook profile . its Compulsory !
2.Once you have write your entry , let us know , kindly link it here and email us at . Then we will inform you the next stage .
3. This project is open for those who will get marry from JULY to DECEMBER 2012 . We are pack on june , sorry dear.
4. There will be a transportation and labour charge for the grand price and first runner up . For the second runner up , it is a self pick up from our place.
5. Tarikh tutup is on end of MAY 2012
Thats it ! Sounds good darling ? So start to write your entry and impress us with your words . Good Luck Sayang ! ♥
This QARMASUTRA BLOGGER PROJECT bride to be edition is another side project from Qarmasutra with ♥
1) Sebab contest ini anjuran Qarmasutra itself, dari pengalaman rina, better join contest dari vendor itself dari join contest dengan mana mana platform pameran pengantin huhu, senang terus direct!
2) Hadiah memang grand habis, syarat pulak mudah jee3) TAK BANYAK SAINGAN. yeah! berapa sangat lah Bloggers yang kahwin dari JULY-DEC?? jadi mereka yang bertuah tu, kenapa perlu lepaskan peluang ini?? aduss..kalau rina, tak pikir panjang dah..confirm join hee
OhmyGod. Do in need to memorize all this thing?
Salam semua :) nak tunjuk handbouquets for my flowergirls..
Ya Allah!! Bestnyaaaa!
Kawan rina menang peraduan gerbang cinta musim 3! Juara ok!
Memang sangatt bertuah! Rezeki dari Allah huhu
Congrates Panjang dan pasangan. Jelessss!
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