Sudah lamer x buat tag xD
Tag ini dicurik dari blog odette. hehehe
saje lame xwat~
1. Who were your seatmates? ~
f1 = Dayod
f2 = Aini
f3 = Aini
f4 = Ina
f5 = Noris n shah (duk betige)
f1 = Dayod
f2 = Aini
f3 = Aini
f4 = Ina
f5 = Noris n shah (duk betige)
2. Still remember your English teacher?
yup2. mase form 5, mrs....erm....mrs....ok x ingat :p
yup2. mase form 5, mrs....erm....mrs....ok x ingat :p
3. What was your class name?
f1= al-farabi
f2= ibnu rushd
f3= ibnu rushd
f4= 402
f5= 506
f1= al-farabi
f2= ibnu rushd
f3= ibnu rushd
f4= 402
f5= 506
4. Who was your love then?
malas nak ckp haha
5. Made friends to the lower years?
yup. 3 org adik angkat, roomates, friends' roomates..senior yg baek nih haha
6. Had a boyfriend/girlfriend?
ade..time fom 3. pstu da xde da. (kpd odette, "odette xde bf dulu btol xtipu" (nc ayam 1) )
7. How was your table arrangement in class? ~
form 1 paling kelakar. pompuan duduk kat tengah2 menghadap depan. lelaki mengelilingi tepi kiri kanan belakang menghadap pompuan yang kat tengah ni.
siap kene perli ngan ustaz "perempuan kat tgh2 ni mcm hidangan plak" hahahah
form 1 paling kelakar. pompuan duduk kat tengah2 menghadap depan. lelaki mengelilingi tepi kiri kanan belakang menghadap pompuan yang kat tengah ni.
siap kene perli ngan ustaz "perempuan kat tgh2 ni mcm hidangan plak" hahahah
8. Made any enemies?
mase form 1-3 ade la syp2 hikhik. siap bg nme gelaran lolol jahat2
9. What games did you play?
basketball,netball, volleyball,sumelahhhhhhhh. oh beshnye.skrg sudah gemok.
10. Did you buy your lunch?
ade gak kadang bila lauk kat dewan selera xsedap :p
11. Were you a party animal?
not really
not really
12. Were you well known in your school?
of course not :p
of course not :p
13. Skip classes?
not at all..susa wo duk asrama nk pnteng kelas hukhuk
14. Did you get suspended/expelled?
nop.skema ok =_="
15. Can you sing the school song? ~
mestila x. lagu negara ku pun ntah igt ke x hahahah
mestila x. lagu negara ku pun ntah igt ke x hahahah
16. What was your favorite subject? ~
17. What was your school's full name?
mrsm kuala klawang n mrsm jasin..miss the gud old days~
18. Did you go to the dances? ~
19. Where did you go most often during breaks?
pegi dewan selera makan la. 6 kali makan jarang skip ok. tp apsal dlu kurus :(
20. If you could go back in time and do it all over, would you?
yuppppppppppp!!!!!!!!! nak sgt2. hukhuk
21. What do you remember most about 5th year?
macam2. kenangan ngan geng Renyuk. kene rotan. kene denda duduk bwh pokok. kene puji hiks. cinta beruk lols. g camp. jmpe antu. iron pagi2 buta. fly g psr mlm. too many!!
22. Worst memory in 5th year?
time tu worse tp skrg rase smua 2 kenangan manis ^______^
2 footprints here! Thanks! (◕‿◕):
english teacher tym form 5 Mrs Zakiah atau panggil dia Ms Zak la.
sape love CC tym tu?
haaa..btol2 lupe lak hahah
adelahhh..its a secretttt hikhik
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